
The Anglican Parish of Christ Church is happy to make available to the parish and community its building, parish hall, music director, and clergy for funerals or memorial services. Our intention is to respond to people in their bereavement with care and compassion in the grace and love given to us in Jesus Christ.

Christian Burial

Although the death of a loved one causes pain, grief, distress, and even anger, the Christian faith enables us to celebrate life even in the midst of death. As with all things we experience, Christians view death through the hope and comfort brought to us in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. God’s raising of Jesus from the dead gives us the assurance that through Jesus, God is making all things new. Death is not the end of our life with God. At Christ Church, we seek to guide people with the comfort and strength that our faith allows during times of sorrow and bereavement.

Funeral Arrangements

When a death occurs in your family it is important that you notify the Rector of the Parish of Christ Church before you begin to make arrangements for the funeral or memorial service. During this time your priest would like to be with you, offering help in any way they can. Most funeral arrangements will be made in conjunction with the funeral home you choose. If you do not have a funeral home chosen, this is part of the process your clergy can assist you with, offering support and guidance. In most cases, the officiant at a funeral or memorial service would be the rector of the parish. If you desire the presence of other clergy, please speak with the rector in order that they might accommodate your wishes.


In most instances, there is no fee at Christ Church for the use of the church building or for the services of the priest and parish members. There is however a fee of $100.00 if you require livestreaming service, and an additional $250.00 if you arrange to use the Christ Church organist.


At Christ Church, we are supportive of cremation as a legitimate form of Christian burial. Keep in mind that space is available in the Memorial Garden on our grounds for the interment of ashes of those who are long-time members of the parish.