
‘Everything comes from you, and we have given only what comes from your hand.’
1 Chronicles 29:14

What are your offering goals for 2025?

Do you try to increase your offering year over year?

Would you consider signing up for regular monthly giving?

Do you think of giving as one of your spiritual practices?

“Let everyone give joyfully according to the purposes in their heart.
God makes grace to abound, so that we may abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:7

Giving to our church community is a response to the mission of God. It is a key part of how we put into action what God desires for the life of our community, our neighbours, and the world. When we give to our church community, this generosity is a direct reflection of thanksgiving for God’s own generosity in our lives. It is also part of how we make a difference by supporting the mission of Christ Church, its ministry work, and the work of the Diocese of Edmonton.

How and when can I give financially?

You can give cash or cheque offerings during services, by placing them in the collection plate, or you can use our TAP machine to give with your debit or credit card. You can also set up regular Electronic Fund Transfers to automatically send money from your bank to the church account. You can register by emailing the office.

How will my donation be used?

All of our programs are supported by gifts from the congregation. Donations also fund salaries of staff members, the upkeep of our buildings and grounds, and the continued support of the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton.

Will I get a tax receipt?

Yes. Tax receipts are issued for all donations over $10 that include a name and address.

For more information about how or why to give, please email the office.