October 7, 2024

Dear friends,

Those of you who have been around a while know that Thanksgiving is my favourite time of the year!

As this season of gratitude approaches, I am reminded of the many blessings that God has so graciously bestowed upon myself and those I love – including the people of Christ Church. I am thankful for each one of you. I am thankful for the many ways your presence, dedication, and support of the church continue to be a source of blessing and joy. I am thankful for your commitment to grow in faith, to continue in worship, and to teach the next generation by word and deed. I am thankful for the ways you extend the reach of the church in acts of justice and reconciliation.

All these are marks of the growing and vibrant community that is Christ Church.

This year, we have witnessed incredible acts of kindness and service within our church community. Whether through your prayers, volunteering, or financial support, you have been a part of God's work here.

This weekend, as many of us gather with family and friends, we remember those who may be experiencing difficult times, whether through grief or loss, illness or scarcity. Together, let us recommit ourselves to seek ways to share the love and hope of Christ with our neighbours and the world.

Each Thanksgiving, we provide an opportunity for families and individuals to make a monetary offering, a “thank-offering.” A thank-offering is an acknowledgement of an area of life -- good health, flourishing in work, a growing family, a supportive church, a joyful anniversary -- for which you are particularly grateful. Each year, Steve and I look forward to naming something for which we are especially thankful and making our offering!

On Sunday, you will find special envelopes in the pews which you can use to make a donation, of any amount, and to record what it is for which you are thankful. Alternatively, you can send an e-transfer to donations@christchurchedm.ca and jot down a note in the message line.

On the Sunday following, as we begin our stewardship focus, we will gather all our thanksgivings and share them (while keeping names or identifying features confidential).

May your Thanksgiving be filled with joy, peace, and the warmth of family and friends. May we continue to grow in faith and hope and may this bounteous God through all our days be near us.



Rev. Sue+