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Palm Sunday, April 13
Holy Eucharist
8:00 am in person, 10:00 am in person and online
Contemplative Holy Week Services
Monday April 14, Tuesday April 15, Wednesday April 16
Holy Eucharist
7:00 pm in person
Maundy Thursday Service, April 17
Holy Eucharist with the Rite of Foot Washing
7:00 pm in person and online
Good Friday Children’s Service, April 18
Interactive Stations of the Cross
10:00 am in person
Good Friday Solemn Service, April 18
1:00 pm in person and online
The Great Vigil of Easter, April 19
(at All Saints Cathedral)
8:00 pm
Easter Sunday, April 20
Holy Eucharist
8:00 am in person, 10:00am in person and online